Monday, November 29, 2010

Ghost story

      Seven years ago, a chain karaoke store cashboxparty opened in Hsimenting, Taipei.
      One day, eight classmates finished school’s test. They were very tried, but everyone very happy. Because they’re going to cashboxparty relax.
       In cashboxparty has many kinds of song rooms. More than five people, the waiter will give a big song room. Usually big song room inside has a washroom.
       When they were enjoyed their times. A man waiter suddenly appearance. 
“ Excuse me. Do you want some drink ? ’’ the man waiter said
“ No, thanks !’’they said
“ Have a good time’’ the man waiter said
After ten minutes.
(Knock door sound)
“ Excuse me. Do you want some drink ? ’’ a woman waiter said
“ Why do you asked again the same question? ’’ they angry said
“ I’m first time come this song room!’’ “ we didn’t have any waiter come here’’ the woman waiter said
“ Oh really? But who was the man waiter came here before you!’’ they said
They describe the man waiter face.
“ I sure! I never see you said the man waiter here!’’ the woman waiter said
They recall the man waiter actually from washroom to come out. They’re very surprised.
This is impossible, but nobody to open washroom’s door.
Finally, they quickly left song room. This is very famous ghost story until spread now.


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